The Truman doctrine is a policy established by president Truman pledging U.S. supportfor "free peoples" resisting communism. containment is a policy of the U.S. intended to pr…event communist power from expanding beyond its geographical boundaries after WWII.
Strategy whereby it would build a huge naval base on the island as a means of protecting its interests in the region. ... The fall of Singapore in 1942 led the Australian Government to reconsider its alliance with Britain
It´s difficult to provide a simple answer to that question. There maybe more than one answer. It depends on the views each person has, on cultural and individual values.
The Mongols were seen as barbarians by the Chinese. They didn´t follow Chinese customs and social norms, and anybody outside the circle of Chinese culture was taken as a barbarian. Besides, China - Zhongguo, the Middle Kingdom - always saw itself as the center of civilization. After their conquest of imperial China, the Mongols adopted Chinese norms and assimilated to Chinese culture, just as it has happened with other foreign conquerors, which constitutes an acknowledgement of Chinese sophistication.
By their global conquest - the Mongol hordes reached Europe and Southeast Asia - they put together into one political entity many former kingdoms and lands that had had no previous contact with each other. Curiously enough, Mongol expansion was a vehicle of Chinese culture during the Yuan dinasty, founded by Mongols rulers in imperial China.
Broadly speaking, Mercantilism was very good for European countries for a while but terrible for their colonies.
Mercantilism made people in the Old World VERY rich.
But, as a result of the imbalance, the relationship between the European countries and their colonies deteriorated making mercantilism good in the short term but bad in the long term.
Answer: yes he did but with a cost to end slavery my frenid a short cool question man i love then web site.