Hey! Here is the implicit and explicit meaning:
This phrase includes the matter of life and death, which makes think of a certain lie you told which depends on your life. It gives us the vibes of honesty. The word “noble” makes us think of a true meaning of honor and a truthful person. The phrase “than to live” emphasis the lies and dishonesty of your next part of life.
(Hope it helps)
Cathy.comes to Wuthering Heights for the secret meetings, in lewder to visit her cousin
The narrator's mood is determined by the state of the relationship with his love.
the fourth choice of your following answers!
The purpose of being an Information and Media Literate is to engage in a digital society where one needs to be able to use, understand, inquire, create, communicate and think critically. It is important to have the capacity to effectively access, organize, evaluate, and create messages in a variety of forms.
Cause and Effect.
“They wished to serve, and they did”
Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction.
Examples of Cause and Effect
- We received seven inches of rain in four hours. - The underpass was flooded.
I never brush my teeth. - I have 5 cavities.
Smoking cigarettes - Lung cancer
Many buffalo were killed. - Buffalo almost became extinct.
The streets were snow-packed and icy. - Cars needed more time to stop.
He broke his arm. - The doctor put it in a cast.
The boss was busy. - Her secretary took a message.
A basketball player was traveling. - The referee called a penalty.