medicatio room plese i am new in thisr chat
C - located in the loose connective tissue of the digestive system
The surgical procedure is the rectal prolapse surgery
Before surgery
Stop any medication
Proper cleaning of the area
There are 2 method of approach
Rectopexy through the abdominal area
Surgical procedure
The surgeon places the rectum back to its place using a mesh sling or a suture (in rectopexy)
The surgeon pulls a little bit of the rectum out and removes it and rest is sutured back to the intestine (in perineunal approach)
Post operative :-
Patient have to stay a few days before being discharged
Painkiller are prescribed
Soft food is given
• Penile erections and sexual activity
After circumcision, nighttime and morning erections often cause pain because they pull on the skin stitches and cause the man to wake up. The pain usually causes the erection to subside; this relaxes the tension on skin stitches, and the pain goes away.