Christian art is generally created as an expression of what the church may believe. Since there are several different types of Christianity, or branches under the large name, the church the artist goes to, or whatever religious ideas the artist has will be portrayed in his artwork. Christian art is made to support their ideas and religion, as well as give people a sort of image to look up to. After all, nobody truly knows how God looks.
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In the perspective of a point, the fixation point and the vanishing point are always the same.
1. Sculpture refers to a type of visual art which is three dimensional in nature. There are different types of sculpture which can be made by man. A sculpture made by man can be formed using stones, woods, metals, ceramics, clay, etc. A natural sculpture is a type of sculpture which is inspired by forms and processes from nature.
2. The forms of processes that exist in nature are: geographical changes, seasons, weather conditions, life cycles, metamorphosis and so on. These processes can inspire a natural form of sculpture. For instance, limestone that had been eroded with water usually formed a kind of sculpture known as contemplation stones.