Hi, this is my first time answering someone's question- I hope I tried my best. This is the answer down below and I hope it helps! :)
Explain: Obama appeals to trust and authority throughout the speech because he wants to make himself appear trustworthy, caring, and knowledgeable.
If new evidence shows that the inmate may most likely free of the charge, then the defendant is taken out of death role and imprisoned until it is sure that the inmate is not part of the act.
➡️The Habsburg Period in Spain is the collection of events between the 16th and 17th centuries.✔️
➡️It begins with the Holy elected emperor of the Roman Empire, Fredrick the III.✔️
➡️The Habsburgs, of Austrian descent, was the dominant ruling family at the time; the most significant rulers are noted as Charles I and Phillip II.✔️