The main important ones are:
•Jupiter- the king of the gods, ruler of the skies.
•Neptune-the god of the sea.
•Pluto- the god of death and riches.
•Mars- the god of war.
•Mercury- the messenger of the gods, god of trading
•Vulcan- god of fire and forges
•Apollo- god of music, healing and prophecy.
•Juno-wife of Jupiter, goddess of women, marriage and fertility.
•Minerva- goddess of wisdom.
•Venus-goddess of love and beauty.
•Diana- goddess of the hunt.
•Ceres-the goddess of agriculture.
•Vesta- goddess of the home and hearth.
It's Christianity and Judaism
White Privilege Was Invented Whites were given more legal privileges,
Whites were counted as whole people in censuses.
Below is a breakdown of major ways white privilege was invented and reinforced in Virginia in the 1700s;
- White Privilege Was Invented Whites were given more legal privileges,
- Whites were counted as whole people in censuses.
On the contrary, the following was not a way of white privileges was invented;
- White Privilege Was Invented Whites were given financial assistance from the government.
- Whites usually earned more money than blacks.