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The umbilical cords carries nutrients that are entered into mothers bloodstream to the fetus.
Women are the primary victims, physical finding may be seen in a cleint who is the victum of intimate partner violence.
It is important to report the crime as soon as possible after it is committed. Interviews revealed that nurses played the following roles when caring for women who have experienced IPV: identifying abuse, taking care of patients' physical health needs, attending to their safety, making referrals, and providing support and advice.
There are more cases of domestic violence among males living with male partners than among males who live with female partners. Sympathize with the victims by saying things .
“You've been through something very frightening. I'm sorry”; “What you're feeling is completely normal”; and “This was a terrible crime. I'm sorry it happened to you.”
learn more about violence:
Drug Synergism. An interaction between two or more drugs that causes the total effect of the drugs to be greater than the sum of the individual effects of each drug. A synergistic effect can be beneficial or harmful.