Answer: 1 = schooners
5=Joseph Smith
7=Brigham Young
8= so people would leave mormons alone so they could practice their religion
Are you in k12? I am!
He supported them because he wanted later to make a treaty with panama to construct the panama canal.
interference in army recruiting
Many soldiers suffer PTSD and can experience nightmares or anxiety because of it. some soldiers act cold when they return home or more distant than they once were. its common for soldiers to feel more on edge and lack being vulnerable.
Atom/ion Electron Proton Neutron
Al 13. 13. 14.
Fe 26. 26. 30.
Cu 29. 29. 35
Mg 12. 12. 12.
La 57. 57. 82
Pb 82. 82. 126.
Ar 18. 18. 22
Ne 10. 10. 10.
Sr 38. 38. 52
Br. 35. 35. 44