Namecoin is a type of crypto currency which was originally pronged from Bitcoin software. It is coded in the fashion of Bitcoin with the same algorithm as well. Hence it is not a blockchain technology that is used to implement decentralized version of Routing Banking System. Namecoin can store data within its own blockchain transaction database.
C. But
Boolean operators are the operators that may have only two outputs which are True/False, On/Off and 1/0.
"But" can also be the example of Boolean operator. It is used in the meaning of "except" or "other than".
In Boolean operators "But" can be used as "AND" operator.
for example
<em>I am busy but I will go.</em>
In above example but is used as and which is combining two oposite statements. as
I am busy and I will go.
Both statement oppose each other, so to make sense in English "But" is used.
Given code output is "786".
list1 = [ 'cyber', 786 , 2.23, 'square', 70.2 ]#defining a list list1 that holds value in parameter
print (list1[1] )#use a print method that prints list index value
In the given code a list "list1" is declared that holds value in it and in the next step a print method is declared that prints the first index value of the list.
Explanation:unique difference/benefits
- "a great-tasting way to stay hydrated during exercise" this is the benefit statement
2. product/service category or concept is
- the drink
3. target market
- "serious athletes" is the target market
4. offering name or brand is
- SportsAde