Through experimentation and observation and by the use of reason.
The Scientific Revolution placed an emphasis on empirical analysis as a way of acquiring knowledge. Empiricism is the term for an approach that emphasizes learning from observation and experience, rather than relying on tradition or superstition. Francis Bacon wrote about this method in his 1620 book, <em>Novum Organum Scientiarum</em> - "The New Instrument of Science."
There was also an emphasis on the use of reason to think things through thoroughly, seeking to establish knowledge that held up to scrutiny and deep thought. This was the approach put forth by Rene Descartes in a famous book he published in 1637, <em>Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences. </em>(I'll spare you the full title in French.) This approach was known as rationalism.
Both the rationalism of Descartes and the empiricism advocated by Bacon had an influence on the Scientific Revolution. In the end, science mostly followed the path of empiricism. There continued to be advocates of rationalism within the field of philosophy.
I believe the answer top your question is probably C) made production faster and cheaper
It continued to cultivate communist revolutions throughout the world.
This is correct on Edg2021!!! The above person is incorrect...
Answer: The railroad companies were given land near the railroad track so the railroad companies could lease off to other buyers. The Union Pacific and Central Pacific competed for the most miles of track laid down to compete for this offer that was generous and made by the federal government.
<span>Americans take this view because of what the people is doing right now. We are given too much freedom and liberty that sometimes we forgot if what we are doing is right or wrong. Posts in social medias about accidents that should have been filtered and not publicized to gain what? Fame? Are we not concerned about the privacy of the person being murdered and respect him/her by not publicizing it? Sometimes we are full of ourselves that we forgot the value of the person who suffered or we feel like what we did is right. The liberty that is most valued is the private liberty, those who are to be kept confidential. </span>