Step 1. Determine if you are already a U.S. citizen
Step 2. Determine if you are eligible to become a U.S. citizen
Step 3. Prepare your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization
Step 4. Submit your Form N-400 and pay your fees
Step 5. Go to your biometrics appointment, if applicable
Step 6. Complete the interview
Step 7. Receive a decision from USCIS on your Form N-400
Step 8. Receive a notice to take the Oath of Allegiance
Step 9. Take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States
Step 10. Understanding U.S. citizenship
Boosted economic prosperity through expansion of trade especially due to the rapid expansion and development of the 7000 mile silk road. The building of this road ensured that trade in farm produce developed a great deal.
Esalen massage
Esalen massage is known for its healing touch, combining long strokes, gentle touching and stretching, relaxing of muscles and the precision of acupressure. It is done using scented oils, candle lighting, incense, and sweet music. It was developed in the 1960s at Big Sur, California, at the Esalen Institute, founded by Michael Murphy as a center dedicated to the exploration of untapped human potential.
-people wanted to move because they wanted better lives. they faced dangerous journeys .
-they moved west because land was cheap or free and they thought they would do better business in the west .
-people who weren't making business or wasn't making any money, found the opportunities to move west to start everything all over again
Anti-Federalism was a late-18th century movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the 1787 Constitution. The previous constitution, called the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, gave state governments more authority. Led by Patrick Henry of Virginia, Anti-Federalists worried, among other things, that the position of president, then a novelty, might evolve into a monarchy. Though the Constitution was ratified and supplanted the Articles of Confederation, Anti-Federalist influence helped lead to the passage of the United States Bill of Rights.