C. The hide
was valuable because it was used to make many useful items like clothing and roofing in shelters
Police violence should be the best answer. There are all types of marchers, marching for different things. There would only be a lack of support from other citizens if those marches weren’t agreed with by the majority, basically saying that some marches had support from others. A repeal of voting legislation is definitely not the answer, as a march is not enough to strip someone’s voting rights away, no matter what time period we’re speaking of. A lack of nation television coverage could be a near answer, as some marches may be seen unimportant and therefore not being televised. But as the question directs to marchers experiences, and not a certain march, this wouldn’t be right. By using order of elimination, the only available, and reasonable answer would be police violence, as many marches are seen as public disorder, and therefore treated by the law. Most of the time, these marches are made to disrupt, and polices mostly respond with brutality or brute.
Up until 1895, the U.S. didn't get involved when European governments would create puppet governments, so as to avoid obvious colonization.
My best bet would be B. the US and spain both had control over economic trade and stuff.