Holocauset cause by the germans trying to eradicate the jews in the 1940's during the secound world war
Yolanda is showing the effects of stereotype threats.
- There are certain questions that can be asked in interviews that would make the candidates get confused as such questions contain the reality that may threaten the opportunity coming the candidate's way.
- The reality mentioned in such questions is often stereotypical in nature which the candidate does not understand how to tackle.
- The candidate gets confused as he knows that denying the reality would put a question mark on in his integrity and conforming to it would cost him the opportunity.
the Church acquired great economic power Church officials were the only people who could read. As a result, they kept records for monarchs and became trusted scribes and advisers.the pope became the new religious and political authority in Western Europe. The power of the church rested in its status as the gatekeeper of heaven.