ination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at ... on the. Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other. Cruel ... They apply to all categories of.
He vigorously promoted the conservation movement, emphasizing efficient use of natural resources. He dramatically expanded the system of national parks and national forests. After 1906, he moved to the left, attacking big business, proposing a welfare state, and supporting labor unions
I can’t answer because I can’t see the story like this tho
The narrator realizes that the god was a man.
The paragraph you were given is the following:
At first I was afraid to approach him—then the fear left me. He was sitting looking out over the city—he was dressed in the clothes of the gods. His age was neither young nor old—I could not tell his age. But there was wisdom in his face and great sadness. You could see that he would have not run away. He had sat at his window, watching his city die—then he himself had died. But it is better to lose one's life than one's spirit—and you could see from the face that his spirit had not been lost. I knew, that, if I touched him, he would fall into dust—and yet, there was something unconquered in the face.
The correct option is the third one. Initially, he was afraid to approach, but then the fear left him and he decided to continue observing the god, who turned out to be a man and died along with his city. There is nothing telling us that the narrator is feeling as powerful as a god, or that he distrusts the spirits. The only mention of a spirit is the person's spirit, the one that must not be lost.