Yersinia pestis, or plague, is a zoonotic bacterial infection transmitted by way of the flea parasite. The plague infection is typically spread from one rodent to another after a flea has bitten and ingested contaminated blood.
1. More job opportunities
2. Better living conditions
Answer: A. Ways a person can become a US citizen.
Further detail:
- Anyone born within the borders of the United States is considered a US citizen by birth. This is even true if the parents of the child born in the US are not citizens. Being born on US soil is a way a child is considered a US citizen. This has become a matter of some contention in recent years, as some opponents of illegal immigration accuse immigrants of coming across the border to have a baby just so that baby can have US citizenship.
- If either of a set of parents are US citizens, a child born to those parents is also a US citizen, even if you were born in a foreign country. So if parents are stationed overseas or traveling, and a birth occurs outside the United States, that child still has US citizenship.
- For those not citizens by being born on US soil or to a US citizen parent, applying to become a naturalized citizen is the path for pursuing citizenship. On the website, you can find a full desciption of "How to Apply for US Citizenship" and the naturalization process.
Mobile Data Terminal (MDT).
According to my research on different technology used by law enforcement, I can say that based on the information provided within the question the device being described is called a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT). Like mentioned in the question an MDT is a computerized device used in many types of public vehicles including police cars in order for the driver to be able to communicate with their central dispatch office.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
bro this is not in my language bro, i can't understand what you're trying to ask me bro, i could put it into google translate but i still don't think i'd be able to answer you as i do not know much, im pretty sure someone will help you out though, have an amazing day my man.