Many scientists use dichotomous keys to identify plants, animals, and other organisms. They may also use dichotomous keys to identify species, or to determine whether a particular organism has been identified and described before. However, dichotomous keys are not used only to identify organisms.
1) Sucrose is synthesized in the chloroplast stroma and exported from photosynthetic cells to provide energy and reduced carbon for non photosynthetic plant cells. - FALSE
2) The enzyme rubisco is unusual in that, depending on conditions, it exhibits two different enzymatic activities. - TRUE
3) Ninety percent of the solar energy collected by a photosystem complex is absorbed when photons strike a special pair of chlorophyll molecules at the reaction center of the complex. - FALSE
4) The energy requirement expressed as ATP consumed per molecule of carbon dioxide fixed is higher for a C3 plant than for a C4 plant. - FALSE
5) The ultimate electron donor for the photosynthetic generation of NADPH is always water. - FALSE
Well I do know the answer to question #5 is temperature
the strengths are force and limitations are lamp
No plants can’t understand your voice