People conform to peer pressure because as imperfect humans we don't always make the right decisions so people conform to peer pressure because they may feel left out or accused of not doing what others are doing. Impact? well peer pressure is common and devastating so its like a burned scar emotionally. Me? No due to my age I haven't been in that type of situation but soon I will and I hope I don't give in to pressure.
well here's why
Since opposite charges attract each other, the negatively charged electrons are attracted to the positively charged protons. Tell students that this attraction is what holds the atom together. Explain to students that in a hydrogen atom, the negatively charged electron is attracted to the positively charged proton.
hope this helps
People are their most cooperative when interacting via this form of communication face-to-face.
<span>The concept of face to face communication is used in sociology, linguistics, media and communication studies.
</span>It is a technique of oral but informal communication. W<span>hen two or more persons talk to each other and see each other physically, this is face to face communication.</span>
1.Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Can’t remember the other answer but I will put it on here when I do remember