<span>A tiger looks so much different as an adult than it did as a single fertilized egg because it developed through different stages from being a zygote (fertilized egg), to becoming an embryo (where it experiences intense cellular changes), to becoming a fetus (where it gains a great measure of cell specialization, and develops distinct tissues and organ systems). After birth, the tiger still undergoes further growth and development into adulthood. This is largely regulated by the expression of different genes at different times and also by environmental factors.</span>
Water evaporates and ends up in clouds high up in the atmosphere. Since it is colder in the upper atmosphere, the clouds condense.
Hydrogen atoms and one oxegyn atom
Light pollution<span> is excessive and inappropriate artificial </span>light<span>. The four components of </span>light pollution<span>are often combined and may overlap: Urban Sky Glow—the brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas. </span>Light<span> Trespass—</span>light<span> falling where it is not intended, wanted, or needed.</span>
Bacteria provide genetic engineers with <u>_vector_ </u>and <u>_host_.</u>
Vector are vehicles or carriers which are used to carry the gene of interest. They are usually plasmids which are bacterial circular genome which can replicate independently.
Hence bacterial plasmids are used for the insertion of gene of interest and its transfer to the host cell.
As plasmids is taken from the bacteria, so mostly bacteria is used as the host for the gene of interest.