Nick Caraway meets the man with the enormous owl-eyed spectacles in Jay Gatsby's library, during one of Jay's parties. Nick and Jordan had politely left their company to find Jay. ... This is the reason why the man with the spectacles is so surprised that the books are actually genuine. He expected them to be fake.
Gatsby's saving grace is that the books and the library are not to show off to everybody - just Daisy. They, like the wealth which has bought them, are merely a means to an end: his dream of winning Daisy back. So the books symbolize Gatsby's vision of himself and his dream but also the fact that they lack true depth.
This event would have a huge impact on those hiding in the annex.
They are hiding in Holland, so a British invasion would directly impact them. While they'd welcome the British removing the Germans, they would have to contend with Germany defending their territory first.
To that end, the Germans treated to flood Holland. If so, the members of the annex would have to decide whether to stay or flee. Either one could be deadly. The Germans might also forcibly evacuate Holland. If that were the case, they would again have to decide whether to continue to hide in an abandoned city or leave and risk being caught by the Germans.
Ultimately, they decide that it would be best to remain in hiding.
Answer:Progress continued to be made in the years that followed.
Explanation: If this answer is correct, please give me brainliest :)
A. Augent - Active Indicative Present - They Increase
B. Augentur - Passive Indicative Present - They are expanded
C. Augebant - Active Indicative Imperfect - They used to increment
D. Augebantur - Passive Indicative Imperfect - They were expanded
E. Augebunt - Active Indicative Future - They will increment
F. Augebuntur - Passive Indicative Future - They will be expanded
G. Aucti sunt - Passive Indicative Perfect (Present Perfect) - They have been expanded
H. Auxerunt - Active Indicative Perfect (Present Perfect) - They have expanded
I. Auctae erant - Passive Indicative Feminine Pluperfect (Past Perfect) - They had been expanded
J. Auxerant - Active Indicative Future Pluperfect (Past Perfect) - They had expanded
K. Auctae erunt - Passive Indicative Feminine Future Perfect - They will have been expanded
L. Auxerint - Active Indicative Future Perfect - They will have expanded