Angst is the result of confusion on one's uncertainty of existence and feeling of annihilation or not being. It generally occurs when an individual feels alone and no one to confront.
Neurotic anxiety helps individuals deal with existential anxiety and help in reducing it. A sense of angst indicates that it is the major threat to break into consciousness and make us aware of our vulnerability. This type of person shows symptoms like avoiding alone time or do not want to be alone.
the proper noun is forest and the common noun is hungry
1. just steal some kindergartiners and take them to an aquarium
2. pick up kids from an elementary school and drive them in a bus to Cici's pizza
it's magic
Emotional divorce is the psychological process in which spouses tend to separate their emotions from their marriage. It takes place in a situation when they start to feel that their marriage life is not going normal. The process starts even before the actual divorce or may not happen even after divorce. The first stage of emotion divorce is denial in which spouses try to deny the realistic situation and tend to control what's happening in their life. They try to put things back to track in the hope to control the fate of their marriage.
Artifacts, this word describes an object made by humans that shows how they lived.