The correct answer is phrase. A phrase is a group of words that work together to express an idea and can function as a noun, adjective, verb, or adverb.
It can change a lot of stuff, including a persons entire view of the story. Imagine if the harry potter movies or something like that came out in a different order. Probably would be a lot different now.
I wish this was not labeled as a myth. Millions of people perished for believing what is in the Bible.
A. God began by creating light -- a very apt thing to create. Man has struggled for centuries to learn something about the nature of light. Before light though, the oceans were present and so was the disorganization that characterized what God had to work with. He further separated night from day. He had a very busy day.
B. On the Second Day, he developed water in the seas and oceans and the rain in the sky.
C. He developed the land and plants to grow on the land. That ended the work of the third day.
D. God made the stars, and the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. That was what was done on the 4th day.
E. God created sea life and birds (life in the sea and life in the air). He told the birds to reproduce. That was what happened on the 5th day.
F. He made the land animals (large and small). According to Chapter 1 of Genesis, he made man and woman on this day. He commanded that they be fruitful and multiply. He told the man that he was in command of the fish and the grains and the wild animals. On the sixth day the universe was completed.
G. He took a break on the seventh day. Nothing was created.
I would cite sources from the Newspaper articles;
1. Miami-Dade County Votes to Keep Pit Bulls Out, and
2. Ohio Overturns Pit Bull Bill
In referencing the newspaper article, "Miami-Dade County Votes to Keep Pit Bulls Out", I will cite the example of the vicious attack on an 8-year-old girl named Melissa whose injuries sustained from the attack required several major reconstructive surgeries. Despite the protests by some to repeal the ban, the majority continue to reject the move.
I will also cite the statement by Representative Bruce Goodwin in, "Ohio Overturns Pit Bull Bill". He said, and I quote, "The 'Pit Bull' has the distinction or characteristic that when they grab on, they don't let go." He added, " 'Pit Bulls' are the choice for drug dealers and other bad folks and that is for a reason."
Readers can learn that it's important to cite and explain what you're citing