it was the way to control over people
Los brahmanes (castas)<span> forman la primera de las grandes castas hereditarias de la India.</span>
Liu Bang was the first emperor of Han dynasty,succeeding the Qin dynasty, approximately from 2200 to 2193 BCE. Qin dynasty had implemented the legalism, a philosophical conception,which was based on the strict obedience to the law, and harsh punishments to those who disobeyed.
He somewhat respected someof the structureof the Qin emperor´s government, but he adopted Confucianism as a doctrine more than that of legalism, becoming into themost noticeable trace of his reign, so the answer is <em>He wasmore lenient and was guided by Confucian ideals.</em>
The Little ice age made the Baltic Sea freeze over, maybe it was climate change and we still don't know why it happened in the first place.The Little nice age started in Europe 1300 AD and then expanded it lasted until about 1850 AD.
They could move people up to higher ranks, and make laws.