Plastic also takes up to 1000 years to biodegrade and marine life can become entangled is trash in the ocean and possibly die if they are not rescued quick enough(i want to be a marine biologist and help same marine life)
Phototropism is the growth of organism characterize by their response to light stimulus. It occurs mainly in plant and some Algae.
The response of plant to light enable them use energy from light needed for photosynthesis.
Plant Phototropism characterise some plant growth and development such as flowering,fruiting and seedling formation.
Inability of plant to respond to light reduces it ability to photosynthesize and make sugar needed for their activities ,flower and fruits. It reduces it growth and development.
We have positive and negative response. Positive response is the response of plant towards the direction of light while negative response is the response of plant away from light.
Sickle cell disease in an autosomal recessive inherited disease which is caused by the mutation in the HBB (hemoglobin-β gene) gene present on the chromosome no. 11. In sickle cell, the red blood cells become sickle shape due to the abnormal shape of hemoglobin present in it.
These sickle cells are known to form a blockage in the blood vessels thereby causing damage to the vital organs. Human spleen constantly destroys sickle cells because they get trapped in it which causes a disease called sickle cell anemia.
Sickle cell anemia is normally the problem in genetic disease which is inherited from the parents to children. When both the DNA strand has a mutation in their HBB gene then only this disease will affect the individual.
Eating junk food all the time and eating fat foods