ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. It is a molecule found in the cells of living organisms. It is said to be very important because it transports the energy necessary for all cellular metabolic activities
Increased frequency of the allele for sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia is fatal in homozygous genotype. The homozygous genotype having two copies of the allele for sickle cell anemia is not favored by natural selection due to its reduced survival success.
However, the heterozygous genotype for sickle cell anemia with one allele for the disease exhibit malaria resistant. The presence of one allele is not fatal for the organisms as the presence of one normal allele ensures the formation of some normal hemoglobin protein and RBCs to support the oxygen delivery to the body parts.
The increased survival success of heterozygous genotype in malaria-prone regions allowed their natural selection. This increased the frequency of allele for the sickle cell anemia in the gene pool of the local population and increased the frequency of heterozygous dominant genotype.
Stamen, pistil, sepal, all the rest are cell like or inside he flower