Hearst played a huge part in arousing the public's intention to go to war with Spain. ... Because of his leading role in inciting the war, Hearst was nicknamed the “Father of Yellow Journalism.” Hearst made some very intelligent moves as he tried to out-maneuver Pulitzer. He hired Pulitzer's writers for more money.
We would have become involved some where along the way, but what pushed us to join WW2 was the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
War bonds are a means for governments to borrow money in times of war. They are debt securities issued by the government to finance the country's efforts related to the war.
Keep in mind Conservatives believe in traditional and strict government, and the literal interpretations of the constitution and declaration of independence. They are not progressive and open minded, by all means they are incredibly closed minded and resist change in government completely.
So the answer that makes the most sense would be (B)