Option: A period of scientific achievement and artistic triumph where people believed that all problems and mysteries could be solved by the application of Reason.
Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that controlled the ideas in Europe during the 18th century. Thinkers began an intellectual journey indicating the reason, skepticism, individualism, and science. Enlightenment science greatly valued experimentation and rational thought with reasons and scientific experiments. Some of the famous scientific persons were Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton.
He can do that by telling the government and they will find out the legislative branch
Two major events triggering modernization of the middle ease would be World War I that started the rise of ethnic consciousness, overthrowing the ottoman rule. And the founding of Israel on 1948 which had established better access to other countries around the world starting the resolution of conflict with the help of UN which will then allow the countries to develop.
immigration leads to an exchange of values!