the origin of Chinese medicine emerged in the shamanistic era of the Shang dynasty period ( 1766 to 1122 BC). during this time the religious deity was called Shang Di who was believed to live in heaven in an imperial court accompanied by dead ancestors.
imperialist competition
The main cause for the World War I was the imperialist competition between the nations. Some of the nations thought that the political and economic influence and power and not redistributed evenly, and that they should be, so Germany and Austria-Hungary wanted some of the colonies that the other nation controlled. That was not seen fondly by the nations that had colonies, as they fought for those colonies and invested a lot in them. The tensions grew even more because of that so after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, it was all triggered and the war started.
They are fearful about "runaway" conventions making unwanted changes.
The process of constitution change is a political process and therefore there is always a risk of run away conventions coming up with unwanted and sometimes undesirable changes.
A thing is a thing
A thing is a thing because it is a thing