The dominant language in the middle east in the following 4th century BC was Greek.
The Greek language is classified as a member of a Greek subfamily of the Indo-European languages. In the 4th Century BC, it influences with the expansion of Macedonian conquests of Alexnder the Great. Hordes of people moved from the areas of the modern-day Greece to settlements in the Middle East during the Hellenistic period, bring the Attic language with them that's why Greek is the most common language of the Middle East.
Dinwiddie sent Captain William Trent of the Virginia militia to construct a fort at the strategically important forks of the Ohio River and also to convince the local Indians to ally against the French.
Stay positive. Find something that makes you happy. Surround your self with people that matter to you. Famous people. Youtubers. Family. :) If you need anything let me know!!
Explanation: Battle of Cold Harbor, (May 31–June 12, 1864), disastrous defeat for the Union Army during the American Civil War (1861–65) that caused some 18,000 casualties. Continuing his relentless drive toward the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, General Ulysses S. Grant ordered a frontal infantry assault on General Robert E. Lee’s Confederate troops, who were now entrenched at Cold Harbor, some 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Richmond. The result was Lee’s last major victory of the war and a bloodbath for the Union army. An earlier battle at Cold Harbor, on June 27, 1862, is sometimes called the Battle of Gaines’s Mill, the First Battle of Cold Harbor, or the Battle of Chickahominy River and was part of the Seven Days’ Battles (June 25–July 1), which ended the Peninsular Campaign (April 4–July 1), the large-scale Union effort earlier in the war to capture Richmond; it, too, was a Confederate victory.