Cant really answer this question because i dont know what the question is sorry.
He contracted polio at age 39 and needed leg braces for the rest of his life.
Franklin Roosevelt was born in a rich and resourceful family with political contacts. He got married to his cousin Eleanor Roosevelt.
In the year 1921, he got struck with polio and spent he rest of his days in a wheelchair. His presidency did wonders for the United states along with the establishment of a leadership stage for the United State in the world during the world war II.
answer : foreign infectious deceases, like small pox
to quote some artical i found when looking uo a proper answer to this, "By far the most drastic upheavals were caused by invisible invaders, the foreign bacteria introduced from the Old World. Native populations cut off from Europe, Africa, and Asia for millennia were utterly without immunity to smallpox, measles, and other ailments the newcomers unwittingly brought across the seas. "
The correct answer is true.
It is true that General Helmuth Weidling ordered Axmann to disband the Hitler Youth combat formations, in the confusion this order was never carried out. The remnants of the youth brigade took heavy casualties from the advancing Russian forces; only two survived.
On April 27, 1945, Berlin had been encircled. The Soviet 1st Belorussian front had defeated the German troops based in Berlin. The Soviets already controlled Siemestadt and the Railway station in the East side of Berlin. That is when Weidling realized that the last line of German troops where the Hitler Youth and ordered its leader, ArthurAxmann, to disband the Hitler Youth combat formations. But in the confusion this order was never carried out.