Answer: Since the base of a cylinder is a circle, we substitute 2πr for p and πr2 for B where r is the radius of the base of the cylinder.
<span>There were probably several, but it is a deadly sickness if not treated and the outbreak in the middle ages killed 1/3 of Europe. Some cures were weird things like eating crushed emeralds or drinking poison. Some symptoms included swollen lymph nodes and bleeding out in many places </span>
La región occidental de Panamá es el área que comprende la parte Oeste del país que comprende desde las provincias centrales hasta la región de Chiriquí y Bocas del Toro.
Región Oriental de Panamá esta región tiene la cuenca mas extensa del país, formada por la cuenca Tuira. Chucunaque Contiene ríos como Sambú, Cucunatí, Congo y Sabanas, que desembocan en el golfo de San Miguel. Al sur se localizan los ríos Jaqué y Pavarandó.
La región metropolitana se encuentra localizada en la parte central del istmo y está constituida por las ciudades de Panamá, Colón y los centros urbanos localizados en la zona de influencia de la carretera Transístmica
The number 1 on the map identifies the Atlas Mountains. It is the mountainous region just south of the Mediterranean in Northwest Africa.
The Atlas mountains pass through the northern cost of West Africa, including Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. This impressive mountain range provided both advantages and challenges to civilizations in the region, and is host to a number of unique species.