Secara umum, gaya mengacu pada tampilan atau desain keseluruhan dari suatu objek, atau metode menyelesaikan tugas...hope it helps
Unlike matter, as energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction, from photosynthetic organisms to herbivores to omnivores and carnivores and decomposers, less and less energy becomes available to support life.
Primary producers use energy from the sun to produce their own food in the form of glucose, and then primary producers are eaten by primary consumers who are in turn eaten by secondary consumers, and so on, so that energy flows from one trophic level, or level of the food chain, to the next.
Energy is acquired by living things in three ways: photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, and the consumption and digestion of other living or previously-living organisms by heterotrophs.
Living organisms would not be able to assemble macromolecules (proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and complex carbohydrates) from their monomeric subunits without a constant energy input.
X is negative heterotropic modulator
In allosteric regulations, modulators are molecules that causes a change in the conformation of an enzyme, hence, resulting a change in enzyme activity. It can lead to a decrease or an increase of the enzyme. When a molecule decreases the enzyme activity it called a negative modulator, when it increases or activates the enzyme activity, it is called a positive modulator.
A positive or negative modulator can either be homotrophic (substrate acts as modulator) or heterotropic (another ligand acts as modulator).
In the example above, X is negative heterotropic modulator, because the modulator is different from the substrate and it also decreases the enzyme activity.
So more people can be like us