not enough information.
missing the actual body paragraph
the mythological hero-king of Uruk, and his half-wild friend, Enkidu, as they undertake a series of dangerous quests and adventures, and then Gilgamesh's search for the secret of immortality after the death of his friend.
It's easy to be anonymous online which makes it easy to anonymously cyber bully.
1) I thought I would reach the top shelf.
2) I forgot to take money to pay my bill but I was going to take.
3) He promised pills he would take time he was on.
4) you slowly said your would drive
5) I overslept but I was going to join the class
6) I have no idea sorry
7) I said to you, him, and myself I will win and improve today.
Sorry if I’m wrong. Have a great day.
Defend. I people cannot set aside their own agenda for the team, and put forth a team effort they do not belong on the team. A team requires all members to co-operate in a manner that is wholly for the team's betterment, and success.