In simple words, Crime legislation is an offence-related area of law. It forbids behaviour that is viewed as dangerous, hazardous and sometimes jeopardising the land, health , safety and spiritual well-being of others, including one's own self.
Criminal law differs significantly by territory and varies from common law, within which there is more focus on resolving disputes and market financing than on retribution or reintegration.
Criminal process is a formalised legal action that verifies the conduct of a felony and requires the perpetrator to be convicted or rehabilitated.
The power of balance also lies therein that media and society will no longer be able to influence and control you through emotional manipulation.
The more I think about society, the more obvious it becomes to me that the majority of people are living a life that is not in balance. The imbalanced lifestyle aside, it is the (seemingly normal) polarization to the extreme that attracted my attention. It is apparent that the unaware masses simply love to turn towards polarization.
It's the health care workers they did not teach the resident about the disease or the medication. Also it's the resident right to not take the medicine because it's there body and health but the healthcare also should educate.
As she is not fully qualified to do that as it hasn't been property diagnosed and recorded