Answer: dendritic drainage pattern
Explanation: Fractures are mechanical breaks in rocks involving discontinuities in displacement across surfaces or narrow zones. Fracture is a term used for all types of generic discontinuities. This usage is common among scientists inside and outside the earth sciences and is used in other chapters of this report. However, different kinds of fractures exist, with different geometries, mechanical effects, and flow properties. Based on the nature of the displacement discontinuity, commonly encountered fractures can be classified into three geologically based major groups: (1) dilating fractures/joints, (2) shearing fractures/faults, and (3) closing fractures/pressure solution surfaces. Drainage pattern is the pattern formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks, and the gradient of the land.
The correct answer is "true."
If you mean that the Soviet Union participated in the negotiations and agreements to create the United Nations in 1945, then yes, the correct answer is true.
Indeed, the Soviet Union had an active participation with the creation of the UN and was part of the Security Council of the United Nations.
However, major differences between the USSR and the United States and Great Britain made the USSR keep its distance from western European countries and the United States. The Cold War had begun.
The western European countries founded NATO with the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. On the other hand, the Soviet Union signed the Warsaw Pact with the Eastern European countries such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and East Germany.
Aryans were nomads, and they were also skilled warriors. With the advanced weapons and skills they were able to conquer north india
An informal work place would most likely have flexible hours- the other options refer rather to a formal work place, that is one which has strict rules and would punish the worker for not complying with them.
The way goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed can be subsumed as economy!
In a general sense, this is true.
There are other factors that resist acceleration but this is the general idea