C. One particular good or service
Specialization, along with the complementary concept of the division of labor, occurs when the innate inequalities of human productive output are intensified along different skills. An individual becomes economically specialized when he focuses his productive efforts on an increasingly narrow range of tasks.
No idea man ☹️ maybe next time
The ancient Egyptian noblemen usually would be very busy with their daily appointments with overseers of their much treasured land. However, music played a vital role in their lives. To pass time, they threw lavish parties. Consumption of beer, wine, and narcotics was common.
They also spent their leisure time in their own gardens next to their houses like people do today. They could go outside and relax. They also loved to over-stuff themselves and enjoy a good laugh. Fishing was also done at their free time and would go severally to river Nile. Most of the fishing was enjoyed as a timeout from hard work. They also hunted for sport. Noblemen caught wild animals.