a. Compile code
In programming process, the following are important in defining what a program is to do;
i. Purpose: The first step in writing a program is describing the purpose of the program. This includes the aim, objective and the scope of the program. The purpose of a program should be defined in the program.
ii. Input: It is also important to specify inputs for your program. Inputs are basically data supplied to the program in order to perform a task. Valid inputs are defined in the program.
iii. Output: Many times, when inputs are supplied to a program the resulting effects are shown in the outputs. The way the output will be is defined in the program.
iv. Process: This involves the method by which inputs are being mapped into outputs. The process implements the functionality of the program by converting inputs into their corresponding outputs. The process is defined in the program.
Compile code is not a requirement in defining what a program is to do. It just allows the source code of the program to be converted into a language that the machine understands.
With the convenience of the Web, copying skills of resumes models is not unusual among people that create themselves seem quite appealing to such a recruiter. Understanding this, Ed developed a check to examine whether that person's job skills are about what's on the form.
He is checking the validity of the content because It relates to that of the extent that the products on such a survey seem to be extremely determinative of the whole domain to be measured by the study.
The exit function is used to terminate or halt the process.
void exit(int status)
Exit function (exit()) can be used in any function not only main() and it will terminate your whole process.
<u>Example-</u> C Program
#include <stdlib.h>
// function declaration
float exitexample ( float x );
// Driver program
int main( )
float a, b ;
printf ( "\nEnter some number for finding square \n");
scanf ( "%f", &a ) ;
// function call
b = exitexample ( a ) ;
printf ( "\nSquare of the given number %f is %f",a,b );
/*This will not printed as exit function is in exitexample() function*/
float exitexample ( float x ) // function definition
exit(0); //exit function
float p ;
p = x * x ;
return ( p ) ;
embedded system
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the type of software that is being described is known as an embedded system. This is actually a combination of both hardware and software that focuses on a specific function which is later implemented into a much larger system to allow it to become "smarter", by performing more complex tasks, which would otherwise not be possible.
.....If the colors are from different segments of the color wheel.