It can be found on View tab.
The view tab on Microsoft Power point is the 9th tab when counting from the left. When clicked, the view tab displays a number of tools that are aimed at visualizing how slides appear.
The ruler function is one of those tools. It is used to ensure that an object is placed or appears at a specific location in the slides. The ruler tool can be found in the Show Box which is the third box from left after Presentation View and Master View.
dataFile << salary;
To write salary to a file (payroll.dat) using ofstream, you make use of the following instruction:
<em>ofstream dataFile;
<em> ("payroll.dat");
<em>myfile <<salary;
<em />
This line creates an instance of ofstream
<em>ofstream dataFile;
This line opens the file payroll.dat
<em> ("payroll.dat");
This is where the exact instruction in the question is done. This writes the value of salary to payroll.dat
<em>myfile <<salary;
This closes the opened file
<em />
<em />
its answer in binary is 1000 and in decimal is 8.
Option B is the correct answer.
- In the above code, the loop will execute only one time because the loop condition is false and it is the Do-While loop and the property of the Do-while loop is to execute on a single time if the loop condition is false.
- Then the statement "x*=20;" will execute one and gives the result 200 for x variable because this statement means "x=x*20".
- SO the 200 is the answer for the X variable which is described above and it is stated from option B. Hence it is the correct option while the other is not because--
- Option A states that the value is 10 but the value is 200.
- Option C states that this is an infinite loop but the loop is executed one time.
- Option D states that the loop will not be executed but the loop is executed one time