What are so called breast-cancer genes, are mutations in two genes: BRCA1 (BReast CAncer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast CAncer gene two), and are also associated with ovaric cancer. According to the question, these genes are present in the popolation despite surgeries and deaths, and asks why. Surgeries does not eliminate the genes, they eliminate the tumors, and people can still reproduce after that. And also, most people already had offspring before they know they have cancer, so they are inheriting the mutations on the genes anyway.
I would say A. CcSs ( sorry if it’s wrong)
Because it uncovers a truth many don’t see in science theory’s and thing that people might not have know giving them the curiosity to try something new and learn something new.
They inherit it from their parents or it is due to them living in a different environment.