The answer is C. Thank you for including the whole poem! It really helped... & What poem is that & by who. I like it. Its cute :)
Ask questions about preperation, planning, idealologies and anything you can think of. Also ask about how corona virus 19 has effected their plans with future planning aswell. Hope this starts u off :)
<em>Well George should find another way to entertain himself</em>
Answer: Coleman
Atticus Finch is a fictional character in the novel <em>To Kill a Mockingbird</em> (1960) by Harper Lee. Atticus is a lawyer that lives with his children in Maycomb County, Alabama. The character is based on the author's father, Amasa Coleman Lee. His story is similar to that of Atticus, as he was also a lawyer that represented black defendants in a highly publicized criminal trial.