It help creates uneasiness
Answer: change “all of them” to our “neighbors”
A. Everybody in the groups want to see that monument.
Everybody is singular like the verb want. Unlike option C where wants is used incorrectly. So, A is your answer.
I was at the park with my sister without my mom for the first time and I went into this weird tube thing under a slide while my sister went to the swings after promising that she was gonna break her height record on the swing, about 12 minutes later I'm still in the tube when she yells out "this is the highest I've ever gone!" And so I look out and in that moment she flew off the swing and landed on her arm which broke it. Funniest day of my life.
You may meet a person and instantly know that you will be best friends forever. Other friendships develop over an extended period of time. In some friendships you may feel a sense of equality, while in others there may be a clear sense that one is giving more to the friendship then the other. There are no rules about how a friendship has to be. If you are able to share your life with another human being, by all means go right ahead. All friendships are unique and special in their own way. Each one is valuable.