<em>d. this is a call to revolution</em>
Henry is calling for a revolution. By stating "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, at to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" he points out that the fear of dying and the fear of war is not worth trading ones freedom, but rather one should choose freedom over a bandaged living and state of peace.
Being a hopeless romantic i wish i could say that i know what love is but i don’t know quite yet. i have a feeling that when you find love you’ll know what it is and hopefully build on it.
protecting?, selfish? thats for u to decide but i read that he is posidons son
and his friend is a goat-man
The correct answer is B.
This passage shows how the loss of traditional values has devastating effects, as indicated by the "broken tribe" and "those who forgot their customs." Because of the loss of traditional values, they lead loose and idle lives and become criminals.
Everyone -- young and old, black and white -- suffers by the loss of these values.