??? whadya mean? do u mean poetry? but i sill d not understand
" What is the body's adaptation to adverse environmental conditions?
Help me please!"
in hot climates, the body will try to cool down by sweating so it doesn't overheat, as in cold climates, the body will try to heat it's self up by slowing blood flow
в жарком климате тело будет пытаться остыть от потоотделения, чтобы он не перегревался, как в холодном климате, тело будет пытаться нагревать его вверх, замедляя кровоток
Music a global phenomenon. People around the world appreciates music even though they don't understand the lyrics (because of the language). Music is a universal language. It makes people unite. For example, the recent famous song from Disney called "Let it Go". People around the world made different translations just to sing that song. I also agree to what sanaybrown posted, it's a way people express their feelings.
namely repeated notes, fast scales/octave passages, as well as double-note passages and leaps