The answer is B. The near destruction of the free-soiler town of Lawrence, Kansas.
Bleeding Kansas refers to the violence that occurred with the overturn of the Missouri Compromise, with Lawrence being an significant event.
Hippocrates of Kos was a Greek physician who lived from about 460 B.C. to 375 B.C. At a time when most people attributed sickness to superstition and the wrath of the gods, Hippocrates taught that all forms of illness had a natural cause. He established the firstintellectual school devoted to teaching the practice of medicine. For this, he is widely known as the "father of medicine."
The biggest problem with the Articles of Confederation was that it gave too much powers to the individual states and did not enumerate enough powers to the federal government.
Answer: Throughout history there have been many genocides of peoples across the world, perpetrated by groups and/or on behalf of governments.
The genocide section of The Holocaust Explained will firstly explain the stages of genocide. It will then provide an explanation of a number of genocides perpetrated across the world since 1900. These include: The Herero and Nama Genocide, 1904-1907
The Armenian Genocide, 1915
The Cambodian Genocide, 1975-1979
The Rwandan Genocide, 1994
The Srebrenica Massacre, or Genocide, 1995
The Darfur Genocide, since 2003