A. they are a source of calcium
Pathological liar lies about any thing (big or small) with out a benefit.
Compulsive liar lies to make them feel more comfortable. Telling the truth is awkward for them while lying feels right for them.
Hindsight bias
Hindsight bias: In psychology, the term hindsight bias is defined as the propensity of an individual to overestimate his or her capability of predicting or forecasting a particular event's outcome that couldn't have been forecast or predicted.
It hinders an individual to look at an event as more easily predictable than the event is. It can often lead to cause or create memory distortion in an individual.
In the question above, the given statement demonstrates hindsight bias.
Physiology, neurobiology, and evolutionary.
Positive psychology is a strand of standard psychology that encourages the study of happiness and the potentials of human ability. Unlike standard psychology, which attempts to identify and treat individuals with psychological problems and dysfunctions, positive pisocology seeks to highlight the patient's psychic points that enhance happiness and enhance the patient's abilities and skills. Prospects help provide insight into the various factors that underpin positive psychology are physiology, neurobiology, and evolutionary.
Irreversibility refers to the preoperational child's tendency to "believe that what has been done cannot be undone".
Irreversibility is a phase in early child advancement in which a kid erroneously trusts that activities can't be turned around or fixed. For instance, if a three-year-old kid sees somebody straighten a ball of play dough, he won't comprehend that the batter can without much of a stretch be changed into a ball. Kids regularly develop past this phase by age seven.