I’m not 100% sure but you most likely need to practice fluency and use bigger words
According to Marie Colvin, the mission of War Correspondents is to tell the truth as it is.
She states that regardless of what nomenclature in the English language is used to describe or qualify the activities that go on during a war and in the war front, the devastating effects are neither enervated nor does it change.
She makes a case for the women who were brutally widowed, children who were forcefully orphaned, mothers whose children were in the most gruesome fashion invented by man yanked away from their lives. She does not forget to make mention of all properties that were lost.
She states towards the end of the lines indicated above that it is the job and purpose of a War Correspondent to say '<em>it</em>' like it is.
By that, she meant that every war correspondent must say the truth about what goes on during the war. She added that every war reported comes at a risk and at a cost. It is the job of the War Correspondent to check to see if it was worth the risk.
This question is regarding "Rules of the Game" by Amy Tan. From the passages about "invisible strength" and Waverly's mother stating that the "strongest wind cannot be seen we can infer that Waverly's mother values strength that can be found in restraint and silence. This can be seen when Waverly cries for candy at the candy store and her mother tells her to "bite her tongue". That time she doesn't get the candy, but the next time they go to the candy store Waverly stays quiet and receives candy. This is the mother's way of rewarding her for staying silent.
Here is an expaple
Who do like more, cats or dogs. Some people say Dogs are better than cats, but some say cats are better than dogs. In my oponin, I can not deside. Cats like to be indapende when dogs like to be everwhere with you! for some I like both.
Everyone has opeonions, and that is okay. We really should not fight over this. Cats and dogs are awesome. All and all I love both dogs an cats.