Color Blindness is an X-linked trait. This explains why males are much more likely to have it than females. Offspring inherit Color Blindness from their mother, because the father only contributes the Y chromosome. A female can only have the disorder if her father has it and her mother either has it or is a carrier
➢ In a mercury thermometer, <u>a glass tube is filled with mercury</u> and a standard temperature scale is marked on the tube. With changes in temperature, the mercury expands and contracts, and the temperature can be read from the scale. Mercury thermometers can be used to determine body, liquid, and vapor temperature.

The value of control is a quantitative measure of the value of controlling the outcome of an uncertain variable. Decision analysis provides a means for calculating the value of both perfect and imperfect control. The former value, informally known as the value of wizardry, is an upper bound for the latter. Obtaining meaningful value-of-control measurements requires an awareness of important restrictions (concerning the nature of free will and the meaning of counterfactual statements) on the validity of this kind of analysis.
A. The percentage will increase
If the species is becoming resistant to the weed killer, natural selection will cause future generations to become resistant as well, therefore the percentage of resistant dollar weed will increase. Also I took the test lol.