To compare fractions , you need to have same denominator.
Just multiply the Numerator and denominator of the fraction by required number so as to get the common denominator.
for example, In this case , the common denominator is 12.
the first fraction is converted as shown, 5/3=5*4/3*4=20/12
similarly, you can convert others.
Once you have common denominator, just compare numerators.
2/5 are girls, therefore 3/5 are boys
3/5 = 24
1/5 = 24 ÷ 3 = 8
2/5 = 8 x 2 = 16
Altogether = 16 + 24 = 40
24 - 1 6 = 8
There are 40 children altogether
There are 8 more boys than girls.
1 ray is intersecting point O
Step-by-step explanation:
A ray can be defined as a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point.
AD and EC both go on forever but OB has one endpoint and goes on forever.
A) x^2 + y^2 = 80
B) x * y = 12
What is x^2 -y^2?
B) x * y = 12
So y = 12 / x
A) x^2 + (12/x)^2 = 80
x^2 + (12/x)^2 = 80
x^2 + (144/x^2) = 80
Multiplying each side by x^2
x^4 + 144 = 80x^2
x^4 -80x^2 + 144 = 0
X = 1.355 (found by trial and error)
Y =
8.85608</span></span></span> (found by trial and error)
a = 3, b = 1, c= -5
-> ∆ ( delta ) = b²-4ac = 61 > 0
-> x1 =( -b+√∆ )÷ 2a =...
x2 = (-b-√∆)÷2a =...
p/s: do your teachers teach you how to use ∆ ( delta ) in maths calculation ? i live in europe and our teachers teach us that way. however, it is a rịght and fast way. you should learn it.