a rainbow of unteisails creating colorful images by little humans.
It's D your choice as commas, split an explanation while the conjunction 'but' links two sentences. No need to separate them by using a semicolon.
- You don't respect me
- You are too lazy to refill the gas tank.
'Relationship level of meaning' is associated with the connotative meaning which is intended to be displayed by the speaker which is contrary to the content level meaning that reflects the literal or explicit meaning of the message. 'Relationship level' of meaning reflects the type of relationship shared by two people.
According to the description given, the relationship level of meaning would involve 'you don't respect me' and 'You are too lazy to refill the gas tank' which implies that the speaker shows his/her authority(implied by 'you don't respect me') and at the same time, the remarks('you are too lazy..') reflect that he well knows the person he/she is communicating with. This implies that the two share a positive bond.
They both are civilations, They bboth have a high population, Maya has more people, Inca has less people, They both have a ruler. if you can plz fufill your promise ty