It is written perfectly. This sentence would be written in the same order than it is in English, even though not all sentences are.
mi madre dormía profundamente.
This Is the answer because it translates to My mother was sleeping soundly. and it is the only one that has the correct grammar.
1. Yo voy
2. Tu novio va.
3. Adela va.
4. Mi prima y yo vamos.
5. Tú vas.
6. Ustedes van.
The exercise aims for you to practice conjugation in PRESENT of the verb IR, which is an irregular verb, it means it doesn't follow a conjugation rule like other verbs. You need to notice that a conjugation is done with a personal pronoun or also nouns or names.
For example, answer 3 uses a name to conjugate, but answers 2 and 4 use a noun to conjugate (boyfriend and cousin respectively). The other answers use a personal pronoun.
Here is the conjugation of the verb IR in PRESENT.
Presente Indicativo.
yo voy
tú vas
él/ella va
nosotros vamos
vosotros vais
ellos/ellas van