B. Do a quick vehicle pre-check
Checking your vehicle everyday before driving will prevent you from having any incident which can eventually lead to a traffic accident. Scanning the vehicle includes checking on the conditions of brakes, tyres, mirrors, seatbelts, the horn, steering mechanism, and winshield wipers. Making this inspection a habit is the best way to avoid stressful and dangerous situations.
When you go to a shop or office and you ask for the manger for help or for a complaint etc that is in person customer service as you’re in person to receive the customer service.
Answer : When a raw egg is placed in vinegar then it dissolves the shell of egg and makes it a naked egg.
Explanation : The shell of the egg is made up of calcium carbonate and when placed in vinegar which is mainly made up of acetic acid, dissolves the outer shell covering of calcium carbonate and makes the egg naked. This makes the raw egg bouncy in nature.
Mr. Smith should get a job. They can get money to support or they can startan online webpage showing their story so people all over the world can donate. The money will go to Mrs. Smith's hospital cancer treatment. The leftover money will be used for taking care of the Smiths. So for a few days, Mr. Smith does not have to work.
i dont know how many letters this response is but I worked really hard on it. Hope this helps! :) :D